
Who the game is for

Our target players are people who have never used blockchain technology before! Our players have no idea what a Fungible FT token or a non-fungible NFT token is. We will use this game for educational purposes to teach them the basic rules of sound and responsible financial management, a value they will carry with them all their lives.

Players will be able to earn:

  • Participating in the mutation of Adoptables daily
  • Breeding more Adoptables and selling them on the market.
  • Collecting and speculating on Rare Adoptables
  • Creating ETFs of collections of Rare Adoptables
  • Inviting People who create, breed, and sell Rare Adoptables


Contact Us


Geneus Network was built to create a fun and educational way to introduce the rest of the world to blockchain technology. The three original team members Luca, Lino, and Enrico met by chance at a blockchain conference in Paris. The three co-founders discussed creating an NFT-based application that would be something other than mere speculation. In 2021 they started working on GENEUS! to bring the power of blockchain technology to billions of players around the world (apart from the US where no Europeans can do anything).

Our corporate objective

  1. to create value for the shareholders of our company
  2. to create entertainment and value for the players in our network