
The Genetic Evolution of NFT Gaming

Coming to Cøsmos in 2022

Geneus is a world inspired by genetic evolution in which you might grow, evolve, and sell your creatures, the Adoptables. To evolve your Adoptables you just need abilities and a pinch of luck.

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A universe of


Each creature has a value that you, as you play, can increase every day.

Adoptables evolve

Each Adoptable is born from an original and unique design that remains unchanged over time. Adoptables are unique creatures, animal, and human hybrids, each associated with its genetic code called DNA, which you can mutate as you play. 

Play and earn tokens

Make your Adoptable evolve every day by taking care of it, which will allow you to increase its exchange value on the Geneus marketplace. By earning tokens, you make useful contributions to improving the Geneus ecosystem.

Just 2 minutes a day

Adoptables mutate at nightfall: it only takes a couple of minutes a day for your Adoptable to evolve.
you have to take care of it every day to bring his mutations to evolution and you will earn tokens.